Michael Quiñones
Written by Christy Richardson on August 26, 2016

Michael Quiñones recalls that until the day back in high school when friends convinced him to audition for the school musical, “I sang only in a soft voice.” He got the lead. After that life-changing experience, it’s no surprise that he doesn’t hesitate today when asked why he loves teaching music at Pine Cobble School: “How can I help students be brave? How can I help them ask themselves, ‘Who do I want to be? What do I want to be doing?’”
Born in Buffalo, New York, and raised mostly across the state, in Troy, Michael grew up in a musical family, playing Suzuki violin from the age of three and entranced by the sight of his dad effortlessly (so it seemed) strumming his acoustic guitar—an instrument Michael also learned to play well, as Pine Cobble students and the wider community can attest. By high school he’d become a Beatles fan. He earned a BA in English/communications and teaching certification from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. Since joining Pine Cobble back in 2012, he’s taught third grade, fourth grade, and, in recent years, perhaps closest to his heart, music.
Michael lives in North Adams with his wife and fellow Pine Cobble faculty member, Cynthia Quiñones; their two daughters, Annabelle and Sylvie; and their old cat, Thomasina, who holds down the fort at home while the rest of the family is at Pine Cobble each day.
BA, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts