Volunteering and Committees
Pine Cobble School Volunteering and Committees
Active participation in your child’s school activities is an integral part of his/her success. The participation of parents in various Pine Cobble School activities throughout the years has resulted in the success of extra-curricular events, athletics, trips, and traditions that are so necessary to the positive growth and development of children.
Because of the variety of activities that require volunteers, virtually any type of talent and any amount of time donated are needed and appreciated. Over time, many exceptional people, some of whom came into the school feeling they had nothing to contribute, have enriched Pine Cobble’s programs. Their involvement in the school, the PTG, or both, made them realize they not only had much to give but also much to receive in return.
Every donation of time or money contributes directly to Pine Cobble’s success. The happy result is that our children graduate with a firm sense of their individual worth.