Health and Wellness
With previous travels and celebrations in mind, it’s important to note that COVID-19, the flu, and RSV are all on the rise. In an effort to keep our school and extended community safe and healthy, we ask that students and their families remain flexible by adhering to our below COVID guidelines throughout the current cold / flu season.
Face masks will be worn as needed / directed in order to maintain a conducive learning environment.
- If a child seems ill or is exhibiting symptoms, a faculty or staff member will instruct and require that the student wear a mask.
- Masks can be provided to families expressing financial hardship in regards to purchasing them for at school use.
- All students are expected to wear a face mask during the bus rides to and from Winter Sports. Please plan accordingly. Face masks will be provided to those who do not have them at the time of transportation.
COVID symptoms include:
- Fever (100.0° Fahrenheit or higher), chills, or shaking chills
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- New loss of taste or smell
- Muscle aches or body aches
- Cough (not due to other known cause, such as chronic cough)
- Sore throat
- Nausea, vomiting, when in combination with other symptoms
- Headache, when in combination with other symptoms
- Fatigue, when in combination with other symptoms
- Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies), when in combination with other symptoms
If someone tests positive for COVID, they must isolate for at least 5 days, with Day 0 as the day of the positive test.
- If they are asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving and they have been fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours, they may return to school after Day 5 (where Day 0 is the day of the positive test), and are required to wear a mask indoors at school, during ASK, during transportation and at school related events through Day 10.
- If they are symptomatic at Day 5, the person must stay at home until symptoms have resolved.
Close Contacts
In the event that a student / faculty / staff member is exposed to COVID-19 as a close contact, they may continue to attend school as long as they are symptom free and have not tested positive for COVID. Those students and staff who have been identified as a close contact will wear a mask indoors at school, during ASK, on school transportation, and at school events.