What happens if a child can’t or won’t keep their mask on?

Written by Eric Uthus on October 2, 2020

If a child can’t, please first step into their box to help them get the mask back on. Brief encounters  in and out of a box within 6 feet,  working from behind the child  is of insignificant risk. If, even with support for a teacher, the mask repeatedly falls off, please be in touch with the nurse and/or Devin Wootton. The nurse will come to the room in PPE to offer support. And, if there is not an answer Devin will call the parent to come up with a plan and get back to you with the plan. Please write this up in a student incident report, to help us track challenges and to continue to make enhancements to our protocols.

If a child won’t keep their mask on after repeated efforts on your part, please contact Mr. Wootton, who will call the parent and share the school’s concern and make a plan that is shared back with the teacher. Please write this up in a student incident report for reasons other than to make enhancements, but instead to see a pattern in a student’s behavior that Devin can help address with a plan between you, the child and the parent.

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