How does my child eat lunch with a mask on?
Written by Eric Uthus on August 27, 2020
Updated 10/2/20
Lunch when taken outside, our medical consultant has shared that students and teachers may have their masks down as long as everyone is six feet away, or more, from anyone else.
Lunch taken inside will be with face shields until the desk shields arrive. Realizing this will not be easy, and hoping for good weather, but if the plexiglass desk shields are not in and some temporary desk dividers, also on order in case plexiglass ones don’t make it by Wednesday, are not in, then students will need to wear face shields if the weather does not allow for us to get outside. The teacher desk, bigger plexiglass shields, I believe are in.
Students will be able to remove their masks to eat lunch while seated at a safe distance from one another.