How can we help children when they are doing something unsafe and need our assistance to get to a safe place again?

Written by Eric Uthus on October 2, 2020

Assisting a child who cannot lift a heavy item, door, personal items.

Help a child who has left their group by leaving the line, leaving the outdoor classroom space, walked away to another outdoor area.

Stop a child who is moving towards a car or the carline. 

Help a child in any emergency or potential emergency. 

Help a child who is injuring or acting aggressively to another student.

Help a child who is not socially distancing themselves from another student either knowingly or unknowingly.

Help a child line up to enter or exit a classroom or an outdoor classroom space.

Help a child move during safety drills or in real emergency situations.

In all of the above look for opportunities to minimize the time that you are within six feet of one another and avoid being face to face with the child.

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