Parents’ Night

Pine Cobble School 163 Gale Road, Williamstown, MA, United States

Parents only, so you’ll need a babysitter! You’ll meet with all of your child’s teachers, get a strong sense of how students spend their days. The evening finishes with a Read More

Mountain Day

Pine Cobble School 163 Gale Road, Williamstown, MA, United States

A tradition for eight decades. Everyone heads out for a day of outdoor activity, the older students climbing Mt. Greylock or another local mountain. Early Childhood goes to Hopkins Forest.

Boys’ Soccer at Eaglebrook School

Eaglebrook School 271 Pine Nook Road, Deerfield, MA

Students can be picked up at Pine Cobble School around 6:30 p.m.

Mountain Day Rain Date

Pine Cobble School 163 Gale Road, Williamstown, MA, United States

A tradition for eight decades. Everyone heads out for a day of outdoor activity, the older students climbing Mt. Greylock or another local mountain. Early Childhood goes to Hopkins Forest.