Pine Cobble highlights our “goats in the woods” at community event

Written by Christy Richardson on April 11, 2014

Pine Cobble has goats in the woods!

A small herd of goats now lives on the campus of Pine Cobble School; not only do these animals support valuable classroom lessons, they’re also helping manage the local ecology, minimizing damage from invasive plant species.

Research at Cornell University’s Arnot Teaching and Research Forest has shown that goats are a cost-effective and environmentally sensitive management strategy to control understory woody brush without damage to mature trees.

One of the co-authors of the Cornell research, Dr. Peter Smallidge, will lead a woods walk at Pine Cobble on Friday, April 25, followed by a presentation in the Pine Cobble Dining Room. This event is free of charge due to the kind and generous help of The Sustainable Agriculture and Food Program at Williams College, Wild Oats Market. The presentation will be followed by an affordable dinner ($15/person), prepared by Wild Oats.

For more information or to register, please visit We ask that you please register if you intend to partake in the meal so we can have an accurate headcount for this event.

Pine Cobble’s Goats in the Woods project was overseen by Pine Cobble parent Morgan Hartman, a farmer and sustainable food activist who has a degree in plant science from Cornell University. For more Morgan Hartman

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