Welcome AISNE!

Written by Christy Richardson on April 22, 2013

Update: the AISNE team has come and gone. While we won’t know the official results for some time, they did tell our faculty before they left that we should ring our own Good Day Bell. What a great visit we had!!

This week, six educators representing the Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE) are on campus as a part of our ten-year accreditation process. The visitors are observing classrooms, learning more about our programming, and confirming that our daily work is in keeping with our mission. AISNE does great work, and they are true advocates for children and independent schools. We are genuinely pleased to welcome them!

In February, Head of Schools Sue Wells sent the following letter to parents about the visit:

February 8, 2013

Dear Parents,

Pine Cobble is an accredited member of the Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE), which requires reaccreditation every ten years. Reaccreditation ensures both quality of programming and ongoing institutional improvement. For our reaccreditation, which will take place from April 21-24, six educators from various schools in New England will observe our classrooms, learn about every aspect of our programming, and ensure that our daily work is in keeping with Pine Cobble’s mission.

This visit is the culmination of several years’ self-study, a deep collaboration by every faculty and staff member. The self-study process required that we evaluate our programming across sixty-four standards, each tied to Pine Cobble’s mission. Our responses have been compiled into a 230-page self-study document. The process was deeply rewarding, offering us the opportunity to step back and look closely at every aspect of our school and to recommit to Pine Cobble’s mission, which has already stood the test of time for three quarters of a century. We strive every day to forward that mission in our pedagogy, programming, community service, professional development, and more.

The spring visit by the accrediting team will not have an impact on students and their academic time. The visitors observe classes and speak to teachers and students when they are not in class. AISNE representatives will be on campus for two full days, immersing themselves in the culture and day-to-day operations of the school. Then they work as a team to write up a report for us in their final day and a half in the area.

Our self-study document is complete, and copies are available through the library or from Mrs. Wells. If you wish to read the document, we ask that you do so in school, as we want the three available copies to stay in school for all interested parents and visitors to read.

We know the AISNE team will learn that the Pine Cobble of 1937 and the Pine Cobble of 2013 have many things in common. In seventy-six years we have never lost sight of who we are and why we exist. Pine Cobble is a rare place whose sole mission is to provide what is best for children, for each individual child. We have always valued childhood, and we genuinely believe a “good beginning never ends.”

If you have any questions about this reaccreditation process or wish to read the self-study, feel free to call, e-mail, or stop by.


Susannah Wells
Head of School

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