It’s time to order valentines!

Written by Christy Richardson on January 17, 2013

It is time for our annual Valentine’s Day fundraiser. The money raised will go towards the ninth grade trip! As always, we need support from families, friends, grandparents and other loved ones.

Who?     Your child, grandchild, teacher, friend, or sweetheart!

What?     Fundraiser for the ninth grade trip.

When?     Deadline for Valentine order forms is Thursday, February 7, 2013.
Valentines will be delivered on Thursday, February 14!

Where?     Boxes for order forms will be located in the upper school building, dining room, lower school building and Mrs. Braman’s office.

Why?     To support the ninth grade!

How?       Download the order form here: 12-13 Valentine Messenger Notice and Order Form

Please attach cash or a check made payable to Pine Cobble Ninth Grade with this form. Return to boxes in the upper school building, lower school building, dining room, or Mrs. Braman’s office by February 7th.

Thank you for your support!

The Class of 2013 – Naseema, Elsa, Matthew, Derrob, Evan and Hannah

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