Introducing…the ASK Club for afterschool!

Written by Christy Richardson on September 28, 2012

The Pine Cobble After-School Kids’ Club

(The “ASK” club, if you’re asking)

Mr. Aquino, Miss Dewey, and Miss Baldwin will provide much of the ASK Club leadership.

You knew it as extended day. Now get to know it in its new, improved, and more affordable version.

You get:

  • Childcare until 5:30 every day that school is in session*
  • A small snack for your child (ambitious eaters might want to supplement with their own snack)
  • A kids’ ASK Club membership card
  • Professional, loving staff on hand to read a storybook, help with algebra homework, cheer for the latest victory on the monkey bars, explain the value of a solid foundation when building a castle out of blocks, or discuss the symbolism of color in Chekhov’s plays (and/or Pinkalicious, for that matter).

You pay:

$75 per child, per year. That’s right, we said $75. Per child, per year, no matter how often you use it.

That’s it?

That’s it. And even better than that, it’s retroactive from the start of the 2012-2013 school year. So those of you who thought you’d already racked up hundreds of dollars in extended day? Take yourself out to dinner! Bonus!


We know, right? Membership pays for itself in just a couple of afternoons. Can’t get here by 3:10? You’ve got some breathing room. Meeting running late? No problem, no added cost; your child is in the club. Or use it regularly. At this price, it’s kind of a no-brainer.

How can I sign up?

Email Deb Mahan at

But do it by 10/15 to avoid being billed hourly.

Seriously. By October 15. Just a couple of weeks away.

*holidays, vacations, and in-service days will continue to be billed at the new, lower rate of $35/day, $20/half day.

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